1. The NV007S is smaller in size and does not affect the shooting posture after installation; the NV007V is longer than the NV007S, and it may be necessary to move the scope forward or adjust the shooting posture.

2. NV007S infrared fill light has a longer range, reaching 350m, while NV007V can only reach 300m.

3. The focusing method is different, NV007S adjusts the focus through the right focusing knob, and NV007V directly adjusts the focus through the lower objective lens wheel.

4. The protective performance is different. NV007S belongs to IP67, which has stronger waterproof and dustproof performance. NV007V is ordinary waterproof, and there is a risk of water ingress outdoors.

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The author likes hunting and has ten years of hunting experience. There is a company that develops and produces thermal imaging products for outdoor hunting and night vision products.
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